
Tamar Dinisman, Zeira, Anat , Sulimani-Aidan, Yafit , and Benbenishty, Rami . 2013. The Subjective Well-Being Of Young People Aging Out Of Care. Children And Youth Services Review, 35, Pp. 1705–1711.
Anat Zeira, Blythe, Betty , and Tucker, Anita Reithoffer. 2012. Assessing Treatment Integrity: A Case Example. Journal Of Family Strengths.
ענת זעירא, עטר-שוורץ, שלהבת , and בנבנישתי, רמי . 2012. Children And Youth In Out-Of-Home Placement In Israel—Issues And Challenges/ילדים ובני נוער בהשמה חוץ-ביתית בישראל—סוגיות ואתגרים. Mifgash: Journal Of Social-Educational Work/מפגש לעבודה חינוכית-סוציאלית, Pp. 9–16.
Rami Benbenishty and Zeira, Anat . 2012. On The Verge Of Leaving The Care System: Assessment Of Life Skills And Needs Of Adolescents In Care. Diskurs Kindheits-Und Jugendforschung/Discourse. Journal Of Childhood And Adolescence Research, 7, Pp. 9–10.
Rami Benbenishty and Zeira, Anat . 2012. Diskurs Kindheits-Und Jugendforschung Heft.
Mark Ezell, Spath, Robin , Zeira, Anat , Canali, Cinzia , Fernandez, Elizabeth , Thoburn, June , and Vecchiato, Tiziano . 2011. An International Classification System For Child Welfare Programs. Children And Youth Services Review, 33, Pp. 1847–1854.
Ronald O Pitner, Astor, Ron Avi, Benbenishty, Rami , Haj-Yahia, Muhammad M, and Zeira, Anat . 2011. Putting Context Into A Cultural Perspective: Examining Arab And Jewish Adolescents’ Judgments And Reasoning About Spousal Retribution. Violence Against Women, 17, Pp. 584–602.
Anat Zeira and Benbenishty, Rami . 2011. Readiness For Independent Living Of Adolescents In Youth Villages In Israel. Children And Youth Services Review, 33, Pp. 2461–2468.
Marian Brandon, McNamara, Patricia , and Zeira, Anat . 2010. Editorial [Special Issue: Cross-National Dialogues On Identifying Effective Interventions With Vulnerable Children And Families]. International Journal Of Child & Family Welfare, 13, Pp. 2–5.
Marian Brandon, McNamara, Patricia , Zeira, Anat , and others, . 2010. Noticing And Helping The Neglected Child: Summary Of A Systematic Literature Review.
Anat Zeira and Auslander, Gail K. 2010. Research On Social Work Practice In Israel.
Anat Zeira and Schiff, Miriam . 2010. Testing Group Supervision In Fieldwork Training For Social Work Students. Research On Social Work Practice, 20, Pp. 427–434.
Anat Zeira. 2010. Testing Practice Wisdom In Child Welfare. In From Child Welfare To Child Well-Being: An International Perspective On Knowledge In The Service Of Policy Making, Pp. 49–63. Springer Netherlands Dordrecht.
Anat Zeira. 2009. Alumni Of Educational Residential Settings In Israel: A Cultural Perspective. Children And Youth Services Review, 31, Pp. 1074–1079.
Harriet Ward, Courtney, Mark , Del Valle, Jorge F, McDermid, Samantha , and Zeira, Anat . 2009. Improving Outcomes For Children And Young People In Care.